I Will Go

In times past, the word, “missionary,” indicated that you left home and went to a distant land to share the gospel or engage in service projects. Today, when 60% of the world is online, you can be a missionary without even leaving your bedroom.

‘Walking and Working with Jesus’ (WWWJ) is an initiative focused on empowering children and youth (ages 7-16) to be missionaries in this digital generation.

Isaiah 6:8-9 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”



Children, Youth, Adventurer, Masterguide and Pathfinder (AMP) Club Ministries Leaders and Parents

This is to remind you of our  WWWJ Digital Ministry Training  slated for Sunday, April 6, 2025, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm via Zoom.

Presenters and Topics:

* Edith HabaradasPrayer and Health Ministries DirectorDigital Prayer Ministries

* Patricia Lopez, Children and Women’s Ministries DirectorCreative and Digital Ministry (for children ages 6-12 and their parents/guardians)

*  Pastor Shawn Ellis, Communication and Media Ministry Director Digital Evangelism 101 – for youth ages 13-17

*  Leanne Sagun, Graphic Designer Using Canva for Evangelism

* Pastor Sereivudh Ly, Church Planting, Revitalization and Evangelism Director / Pastor Mansfield Edwards, Vice-President for Evangelism – Pentecost 2025 and Beyond

*  Pastor Edwin Martin, AMP Club Ministries Director – WWWJ Evangelism Resources

*  Pastor Allan Chichester, Family and Men’s Ministries Director – Preparation for Pentecost 2025

Parents and guardians of children ages 6-12 are encouraged to join the training. Please ensure your videos are turned on during the training. Your full attention during the workshops will be greatly appreciated.

If this is your first time to join, please click the button below to register.

The Zoom link will be sent directly to all registrants.


WWWJ Mission & Vision

To help inspire children and youth (ages 6-17) in their daily WALK with Jesus, and to rightly train them to WORK with Him in sharing the Advent message to all the world in this digital generation.


Children and Youth Rightly Trained

“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!”— “Education,” page 271.


Our Upcoming Training Events



WWWJ Digital Ministry Training 1

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

You are invited to attend the 2024 Virtual Walking and Working With Jesus (WWWJ) Digital Ministry Training on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m via Zoom.






WWWJ Digital Ministry Training 2

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

This will be a continuation of the Digital Ministry Training to equip participants and prepare them for the “Pentecost 2025 and Beyond” initiative.







Pentecost 2025 and Beyond

Do creative ministries, small group home fellowship, and digital evangelism to reach more people for Christ.





Digital Evangelism

Digital evangelism— traditional means of presenting Bible truths using a digital platform, with provided materials


Digital Discipleship

Digital discipleship—children to children support, helping someone in their walk with God

Digital Missionaries

Digital missionaries—reaching out across all platforms to help other children become followers of Christ; serving as digital ambassadors for Adventurers, Pathfinders and Children’s Ministries





Get In Touch

Location: 1110 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 Canada

Telephone: (905) 571-1022

Email: rweidner@adventistontario.org

Office Hours: M-T: 8am – 5pm